Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Is Hindustan becoming a Rapistan?

Many people will agree with me in one way or the other that the number of RAPE cases that are increasing in India has made to think every citizen that - Are we living in Hindustan or Rapistan?
Rape in India is the fourth most common crime against women in India. According to the National Crime Records Bureau 2013 annual report, 24,923 rape cases were reported across India in 2012. Out of these, 24,470 were committed by relative or neighbor; in other words, the victim knew the alleged rapist in 98 per cent of the cases. According to 2012 statistics, New Delhi has the highest number of rape-reports among Indian cities, while Jabalpur has the per capita incidence of reported rapes. Several rape cases in India received widespread media attention and triggered protests since 2012. This led the Government of India to reform its penal code for crimes of rape and sexual assault. Compared to other developed and developing countries, incidence rates of rape per 100,000 people are quite low in India. The National Crime Records Bureau suggests a rape rate of 2 per 100,000 people. This compares to 8.1 rapes per 100,000 people in Western Europe, 14.7 per 100,000 in Latin America, 40.2 per 100,000 in Southern African region and 28.6 in the United States.
                    This is all about statistics and figures based on the cases which are register, just think about those cases which are not being registered. We as a youth should think where we want our country to take it, so i would request you to please think twice before teasing, staring or misbehaving with a girl. They are the most wonderful creation of God n we should Love them and respect them not just dominate them by showing a Male Dominant Character. I know many people will say whats wrong in staring a girl or just misbehaving a lil' won't harm any one. I would say in reply that its not about what is the level of disrespect you are giving to a women it shows your attitude towards them. 
Just think for a while from a Girl's point of view, how she must be feeling every day of her life being inspected, judged and stared every hour. Where ever she goes all the same the peoples see them in such a way as if they just want to sleep with them or it wont be wrong if i say they get raped visually by every men in the streets. Its not the fault of the girl, its the fault of that women who gave birth to such crappy men and what they have taught them i never understood really. 

What we should do?
Here is a great roundup of what men can do to prevent Rape :

Be aware of language : Words are very powerful, especially when spoken by people with power over others. We live in a society in which words are often used to put women down, where calling a girl or woman a "bitch," "freak," "whore," "baby," or "dog" is common. Such language sends a message that females are less than fully human. When we see women as inferior, it becomes easier to treat them with less respect, disregard their rights, and ignore their well-being.

Communicate: Sexual violence often goes hand in hand with poor communication. Our discomfort with talking honestly and openly about sex dramatically raises the risk of rape. By learning effective sexual communication -- stating your desires clearly, listening to your partner, and asking when the situation is unclear -- men make sex safer for themselves and others.

Speak up: You will probably never see a rape in progress, but you will see and hear attitudes and behaviors that degrade women and promote rape. When your best friend tells a joke about rape, say you don't find it funny. When you read an article that blames a rape survivor for being assaulted, write a letter to the editor. When laws are proposed that limit women's rights, let politicians know that you won't support them. Do anything but remain silent.

Support survivors of rape: Rape will not be taken seriously until everyone knows how common it is. In the U.S. alone, more than one million women and girls are raped each year (Rape in America, 1992). By learning to sensitively support survivors in their lives, men can help both women and other men feel safer to speak out about being raped and let the world know how serious a problem rape is.

Contribute your time and money: Join or donate to an organization working to prevent violence against women. Rape crisis centers, domestic violence agencies, and men's anti-rape groups count on donations for their survival and always need volunteers to share the workload.

Talk with women... about how the risk of being raped affects their daily lives; about how they want to be supported if it has happened to them; about what they think men can do to prevent sexual violence. If you're willing to listen, you can learn a lot from women about the impact of rape and how to stop it.

Talk with men... about how it feels to be seen as a potential rapist; about the fact that 10-20% of all males will be sexually abused in their lifetimes; about whether they know someone who's been raped. Learn about how sexual violence touches the lives of men and what we can do to stop it.

Organize : Form your own organization of men focused on stopping sexual violence. Men's anti-rape groups are becoming more and more common around the country, especially on college campuses. If you have the time and the drive, it is a wonderful way to make a difference in your community.

Work against other oppressions : Rape feeds off many other forms of prejudice -- including racism, homophobia, and religious discrimination. By speaking out against any beliefs and behaviors, including rape, that promote one group of people as superior to another and deny other groups their full humanity, you support everyone's equality.

Don't ever have sex with anyone against their will : No matter what. Although statistics show most men never rape, the overwhelming majority of rapists are male. Make a promise to yourself to be a different kind of man -- one who values equality and whose strength is not used for hurting.

Ok Guys!! hope you find this post interesting. Be safe and make others feel the same..

Friday, July 26, 2013

10 Things We Can Do to Save Our Planet!!

These are the common things which we know in our conscious mind but we some how neglect to follow. Just try to follow these 10 small  things which will make, not only your life beautiful but this planet too.

If every household in the india replaced one regular light bulb with one of those new compact fluorescent bulbs, the pollution reduction would be equivalent to removing one million cars from the road. Don't like the color of light? Use these bulbs for closets, laundry rooms and other places where it won't bother you as much.

By turning off your computer instead of leaving it in sleep mode, you can save 40 watt-hours per day. If you don't want to wait for your computer to start up, set it to turn on automatically a few minutes before you get to work, or boot up while you're pouring your morning cup of chai.

Unless you are making bread or pastries of some sort, don't pre-heat the oven. Just turn it on when you put the dish in. Also, when checking on your food, look through the oven window instead of opening the door.

During an average year, an Indian (in metros) uses approximately 2,200 napkins around six each day. If everyone used one less napkin a day, more than a billion pounds of napkins could be saved from landfills each year.

There are 82,237 newspapers printed each day in india. Of these, about 69% of them will be thrown away. Recycling just the Sunday papers would save more than half a million trees every week.

You've heard this one before, but maybe you still do it. You'll conserve up to five gallons per day if you stop. 

It's good for the air, the land, can shade your house and save on cooling (plant on the west side of your home) and they can also improve the value of your property. Make it meaningful for the whole family and plant a tree every year for each member.

Not only are you extending the life of your vehicle, but you are creating less pollution and saving gas. A properly maintained vehicle, clean air filters and inflated tires can greatly improve your vehicle's performance. And it might not hurt to clean out the trunk all that extra weight could be costing you at the pump.

Each year the people normally uses 84 billion plastic bags, a significant portion of the 500 billion used worldwide. They are not biodegradable and are making their way into our oceans, and subsequently, the food chain. Stronger, reusable bags are an inexpensive and readily available option.

Use e-tickets instead of print generated one. Now a days irctc even says that use sms ticketing. Follow e-ticketing service for trains, bus and flight travels as it says lots of trees from getting drowned and also saves money.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Not-so-obvious Ways to Conserve Electricity

You think you know most of the ways to save electricity. Replace incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent, shutting off appliances when not use, buying solar-powered lamps for outside lighting and insulating hot water pipes for starters. That’s just the beginning or the low-hanging fruit as it were.

There’s much more you can do. Here’s a list of five handy ideas you might not have thought about to lower your bill and be good to the environment.

1) Appliances are a new ball game. Every time you buy a new appliance, evaluate energy consumption using the Energy Guide labels affixed to each machine. Appliances like dishwashers and the fridge consume at least a 5th of the energy you use, according to the Dept. of Energy (DOE). And generally buy ENERGY STAR appliances. DOE mandated in January, 2007 that washers and dryers use 21% less energy. DOE also rates appliance models based on their annual consumption of electricity, but sometimes the information is out of date. Also, remember solar panels and some water heaters are eligible for federal tax credits up to 30% of their cost.

2) Look around your house and check for digital appliances that are on, but not in use. Occasionally-used devices such as Battery Chargers, TV, Computers, Printers and FAX machines should be unplugged when not in use.  One easy way to accomplish this is to use power strips that can be switched on and off. Computers should be set to hibernate and when you away go on vacation, unplug the cable modems and wireless routers.

3) The Dept of Energy has home energy audits that you can conduct yourself and address everything from lighting to plugging air leaks. You can also get a professional to do one.

4) Check your hot water system, faucets, toilets and shower heads for costly leaks and fix them. Also, do you need that scalding water temperature? ideally, hot water should be set between 110-120 degrees. And fix cold water leaks too. Water is a precious and scarce commodity in many parts of the world especially in our India. At the same time, minimizing the length of your dryer vent will save energy (and reduce the chance of lint catching fire) as well frequently cleaning the lint filter after every use. Also, clean in and around the lint filter periodically.

5) Electricity is not just there anymore. Utilities and appliance have stepped up their efforts to transform the aging electrical grid into a an efficient and thoroughly digital smart grid.  Smart appliances, meters and gadgets will empower you make smart decisions about the amount of electricity with little lifestyle sacrifice.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Lets Do It!!

Lets Do It!!


1. If you see children Begging anywhere in INDIA , please contact:
"RED SOCIETY" at 9940217816. They will help the children for their studies.

2. Where you can search for any BLOOD GROUP, you will get thousand's of donor

3. Engineering Students can register to attend Off Campus for 40 Companies.

4. Free Education and Free hostel for Handicapped/Physically Challenged children.
Contact:- 09842062501 &09894067506.

5. If anyone met with fire accident or people born with problems in their ear, nose and mouth can get free PLASTIC SURGERY done by Kodaikanal PASAM Hospital .Everything is free. Contact : 045420-240668,245732
"Helping Hands are Better than Praying Lips"

6. If you find any important documents like Driving license, Ration card, Passport, Bank Pass Book, etc., missed by someone, simply put them into any near by Post Boxes. They will automatically reach the owner and Fine will be collected from them.

7. By the next 10 months, our earth will become 4 degrees hotter than what it is now. Our Himalayan glaciers are melting at rapid rate. So let all of us lend our hands to fight GLOBAL WARMING.
-Plant more Trees.
-Don't waste Water & Electricity.
-Don't use or burn Plastics


8. It costs 38 Trillion dollars to create OXYGEN for 6 months for all Human beings on earth.
"Respect them and Save them"

9. Special phone number for Eye bank and Eye donation:04428281919 and 04428271616(Sankara Nethralaya Eye Bank). For More information about how to donate eyes plz visit these sites.

10. Heart Surgery free of cost for children (0-10 yr) Sri Valli Baba Institute Banglore. Contact : 09916737471

11. Medicine for Blood Cancer!!!!
'Imitinef Mercilet' is a medicine which cures blood cancer. It is available free of cost at "Adyar Cancer Institute in Chennai". Create Awareness. It might help someone.
Cancer Institute in Adyar, Chennai
Category: Cancer
East Canal Bank Road , Gandhi Nagar
Chennai -600020
Landmark: Near Michael School
Phone: 044-24910754 044-24910754 , 044-24911526 044-24911526 , 044-22350241 044-22350241

If you have a function/party at your home in India and food gets wasted, don't hesitate to call 1098 (only in India ) - Its not a Joke, This is the number of Child helpline.
They will come and collect the food. Please circulate this message which can help feed many children.
Please Save Our Mother Nature for

Friday, June 15, 2012

Stop Corruption : Save India

                     From small time clerks to the high profile politicians, commissioners, police inspectors, traffic police, stock exchange brokers, military establishments, recruiters, sportsmen, judiciary and most of the government employees, corruption is seen and felt in every transaction from bottom of the chain till the top.

In the recent times the private Indian companies captured the top spot in encouraging corruption when dealing with international clients in order to grab lucrative contracts.

Why are the corrupt susceptible to corruption ?
The low salaries of people made them susceptible, bringing with it more inefficiencies and the easy way of making money with less or no accountability. The crime of corruption is easily forgotten , the law offers easy way back into the mainstream and acceptance by the society. In addition to that it is the lure of luxury, personal status enhancement and the false sense of elitism that makes the corrupt vulnerable to illegal and unethical means of acquiring wealth.
The cultural connection and other reasons.
Indian society still has a cultural setup of having the "man of the house" to work for a living, while the wife usually deals with the household work,and this puts a pressure on the man to make the living more luxurious. The routine jobs are usually for life-long, with the support of a union there is a lesser fear of losing the job and there is the pressure of dealing with rising prices of commodities and sponsoring future education of children. The society ,the social upbringing, the culture and a general greed also plays a critical role in influencing a timid mind. The lack of instincts and to avoid the time consuming bureaucratical setup of the organization, the corruption may be a easy way out for people who bribe to make things happen.

How can we stop corruption ? 
Greater solutions may include population control to improve the quality than the quantity, Controlling population will bring up the quality of life and thus lesser competition and effective control of people and government processes. However feasible solutions are to impart moral principles in schools, and introduction of stringent audits, accountability, effective tracking of corrupt individuals through citizen cards or tax id's.
Computerization of processes, privatization of public sectors, eliminating the chain of corruption by not just punishing the first level but also higher levels involved.
Corruption is not limited to atheists, even the most corrupts are highly religious and have close family ties, in other words corruption has no boundaries. Religion and religious congregations can support and promote anti-corruption drives.
Corruption is NOT a luxury tax. Whoever described corruption is a luxury tax probably said it out of frustration, the religion of corruption, the corruption of politics,the dishonest souls and perversion of integrity is unpardonable.

"Only We As A Citizen Can Change the Things - a paul"

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Benefits of Using Public Transportation:

Benefits of Using Public Transportation:

Using public transportation can save you money, relieve traffic congestion and give you a chance to decompress on your commute. Even more importantly, however, public transportation allows you to lighten your environmental footprint by reducing harmful emissions and the need for growing urban sprawl. So help save the planet by dumping your car keys for a bus, subway or light-rail pass.

::::Simple Instructions to Follow::::

    • 1
      Commit to using public transportation at least 1 to 2 days a week. According to the American Public Transportation Association, if Americans used mass transit for just 10 percent of their weekly transportation needs, the U.S. would reduce its foreign oil dependency by nearly 40 percent and lower carbon monoxide emissions by around 25 percent.
    • 2
      Visit the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) website for a list of public transportation resources in your area, along with contact information for each (see Resources below). Familiarize yourself with mass transit types and routes that will work for your commuting needs.
    • 3
      Support fare-free public transit. Write to your elected officials and the public transit system in your area to vocalize the need for a reduction or removal of fares. Public transportation systems could save a lot of money without hiring employees to run ticket windows and paying for the expensive maintenance of ticketing machines. According to, New York City spends about $200 million a year to collect transit fares. Check out Alternet's full article to read more about the benefits of free fares (see Resources below).
    • 4
      Lobby the representative in your area if your city needs to be more proactive about public transportation. Encourage officials to allocate money to fund the installation and maintenance of light rail and rapid transit bus systems and expand current systems to outlying areas. To find your representative and his contact information, visit Project Vote Smart (see Resources below).
    • 5
      Take the light rail or subway instead of the bus. If your area offers rail or underground service, you'll reduce your environmental footprint even more than by using the bus. To compare the impact of various transit forms on the Earth, visit (see Resources below).
    • 6
      Ride your bike to subway or rail stations rather than driving. Most stations have bike racks where you can secure your wheels for the day, while some mass transit systems even allow you to take your bike with you when you board.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

29 General Tips

29 General Tips

Can also save your money too.

Every little bit is a step to help save the earth.

If you want to learn more about the tip then just click on the link (if available) to go to a page that will elaborate on the topic.
  1. Change to Fluorescent Bulbs - If every house in india changed all of the light bulbs in their house, that would be equivalent to taking one million cars off the streets.
  2. Don't Rinse - Skip rinsing your plates before putting them into the dishwasher. In average you will save 15 gallons of water per load. Plus, you will save time.
  3. Hang Outside to Dry - Get a cloths line or rack to dry your cloths. Your cloths will last longer and you will save money
  4. Turn off computers at night - don't just put them to sleep. You will save an average of 4 rs. a day .
  5. Use Both Sides of Paper - if you have a printer with a double sided print option use it. You will save half of the amount of paper you would have normally used. Then when your done bring it to the recycle bin.
  6. Get rid of baths - Don't take baths, take showers. You will in average save about half the amount of water that you would if you were taking a bath.
  7. Don't get bottled water - Instead of bottled water get a reusable container to carry water. Also you can get a filter to make your home tap taste more like bottled water. It is definitely more cost efficient.
  8. Turn the water off when you brush - Your parents have said this before, now I say it. You will save 4 gallons of water doing this alone.
  9. Shorten your shower - Every minute you cut from your shower is roughly 5 gallons of water. The less time your shower takes, the lower your impact on the environment.
  10. Recycle Glass - If you do not recycle this, it will take a million years to decompose.
  11. Don't Pre-Heat the Oven - unless needed, just turn the oven on after you put the dish in it. Also, to see if it's finished just look through the glass instead of opening it.
  12. Use Warm or Cold Setting on Washer - instead of the hot cycle use the warm or cold setting. This will save a lot of energy a year.
  13. Turn Down your Thermostat - Every degree lower in the winter or higher in the summer you put it is a 10% decrease on your energy bill.
  14. Turn off your lights - An easy one. Turn off your lights when you are not using them. The benefits are obvious.
  15. Get rid of junk mail - There are many services that can help you get rid of junk mail. That will lead to a lot less trees being cut down to take up room in your mailbox.
  16. Use Matches instead of lighters - Lighters are usually considered disposable so they will most likely end up in land fills. You can use the cardboard matches which are much more eco-friendly because they are made of recycled material.
  17. Don't get a paper phone book - Instead of getting a paper phone book. Use a online directory instead.
  18. Give things away - Take things that you are not going to wear or use and give it to a charity or someone who will use it.
  19. Go to a car wash - Going to a car wash is a lot more water efficient then washing your car at home.
  20. Stop paper bank statements - Why waste paper getting your bank statement mailed to you when you can just check it out online.
  21. Buy Rechargeable Batteries - Even though it will take a good investment to buy these you will find yourself gaining it back in no time.
  22. Pay your Bills Online - If every house in the US did this then we would save 18 million trees every year.
  23. Get a reusable bag - You can't recycle plastic bags, instead get yourself a reusable bag so that you won't have to worry about carrying your necessities.
  24. Do Errands in Bulk - Make a list of the things you have to do, and see if you can fit a couple of those things together in one ride.
  25. Inflate your Tires - If your tires are inflated at all times your car will run more miles on less gas.
  26. Wrap Presents Creatively - Without going out to get wrapping paper you can use newspaper, an old map, or anything else. It would look a whole lot more creative.
  27. Plant a Tree - It's good for the air, can keep you cool, and can increase your property value.
  28. Buy Local Produce - Consider how much energy it takes for produce from china or any other country to come here. If you have the option to buy local, do it.
  29. Walk or Ride Your Bike When you can - If you have to go somewhere close consider riding your bike or walking there instead of your car. It's better on the environment and healthier.